Meet our Director of Academic Affairs

Dear Bahrain Bayan School Community,


It is my pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to the High School section of Bahrain Bayan School. 

The Bahrain Bayan School is renowned for its exceptional education. We are committed to supporting our students to develop their academic skills, in addition to their social competence by instilling the essential values of respect, responsibility, and global-mindedness.The school’s mission, vision, and values guide us in developing a generation of inquisitive life-long learners who always strive to achieve excellence.
Learning at BBS is very exciting for all our students. It holds a wealth of opportunities for students as they begin their four-year preparation journey to college and, ultimately, become productive members of our global society.At BBS, students are provided with a challenging and rigorous curriculum, in addition to a safe and nurturing environment where they learn about friendships, relationships, and discover their own unique personalities.
To the students – Your keys to success are hard work, determination, perseverance, and a love for learning. Always keep trying and do not allow anything to stop or hinder you from achieving your dreams. We will always be here to support you.

Mr. Medhat Mohamad Merabi  
Director of Academic Affairs